PTP 600
Reliable, fast, secure, durable and
spectrally efficient all describe our
Point-to-Point (PTP) 600 Series wireless
Ethernet connectivity and backhaul
solutions. With our unique combination
of technologies, PTP 600 solutions
communicate steadfastly in some
of the most challenging environments
on the planet.
Our industry-leading PTP 600 radios operate in the
5.4, 5.8 and 5.9 GHz license-exempt radio frequency
(RF) bands and the 2.5, 4.5, 4.8 and 4.9 GHz defineduse
licensed bands. With aggregate throughput to 300 Mbps,
PTP 600 links can deliver up to 99.999% availability
in virtually any environment, including non-line-of-sight,
long-distance line-of-sight, high interference, water and
desert. Whether your organization is a business enterprise,
government agency or service provider, PTP 600 systems
have the speed, reliability and reach you want for today's
mutli-service networks. They are perfect solutions for a wide
array of applications such as T1/E1 replacement, high-capacity
voice and video backhaul, building-to-building and campus
connectivity, network redundancy, distance learning and
PTP 600 solutions are included in our unrivaled Wireless
Network Solutions portfolio. This portfolio includes indoor
WLAN, outdoor wireless mesh, point-to-multipoint and
point-to-point networks as well as voice over WLAN
systems, giving you the agility and seamless connectivity
you need to grow your business or better protect and serve
the public. Combined with powerful software for wireless
network design, security and management, our solutions
deliver trusted networking and anywhere access to
organizations worldwide.
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